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Volunteers Needed

Could you volunteer to befriend a local child or young person? 

Could you volunteer some of your time to befriend a local child or young person? Perhaps you’re looking for some experience working with children and young people who are involved with Cardiff Children’s Services? 

We are currently looking for volunteers to join our befriending scheme to work with a child or young person aged between 7-18 years old. 

As a volunteer you will support the young person on a one-to-one basis, providing support and/or encouragement. This could involve engaging a young person in leisure or sports activities, encouraging them to develop their interests and hobbies or helping to build their confidence and self-esteem. 

The children and young people we work with are currently engaged with Children’s Services and therefore may be at risk or have families that need special help. They may have difficult behaviour or require emotional, educational, or other specific needs. 

We prefer our volunteers to commit to the project for at least 6 months and ideally be able to spend a few hours with their young person every other week or fortnight.   

To qualify for the volunteer opportunity, we require an enhanced DBS check, two references and participation in a training programme. All costs, including travel and activity expenses, will be reimbursed.  

If you would like to volunteer for the befriend scheme or would like more information, please email Martine: mrowe@cardiff.gov.uk