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Get Into Retail Marks & Spencer!

This programme will combine instore work experience and Face to face training with ourselves at Prince’s Trust.

There are job opportunities available for those who successfully complete the program!

Please see key details of the programme below and our poster attached. If you could circulate this opportunity to your wider team that would be fantastic.

You can sign-up to our taster day using our referral form https://forms.office.com/e/RX0vvAaKN8


Get Into Retail with Marks & Spencer

 Taster Day Details


Please note that the taster day is a selection day, we therefore advise that young people must be work ready and have a positive attitude. There will be 2 placements per store.


Programme Details: Monday 30th Sept – Friday 23rd Oct 2024



Misc Details



Any young people who are interested in this opportunity should now sign up for the Taster Day. Referrals can be made via the sign up form https://forms.office.com/e/RX0vvAaKN8

Any queries please contact walesoutreach@princes-trust.org.uk and the team will be happy to help!