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The Prince's Trust * Digital Skills Festival * Sept 2024!

We are excited to announce the return of our Prince’s Trust Cymru…

“DIGITAL SKILLS FESTIVAL 2024”  Sponsored by Admiral!

Wednesday 11th September @ CARDIFF CASTLE!

This festival is available to young people aged 16-30 and is designed to INSPIRE young people to reach further and increase their digital skills.

What to expect?
Young People will spend a day in the heart of the capital city of Cardiff in the beautiful setting of Cardiff Castle to:

Gain greater awareness of the Digital and Tech sector 
-  Gain insight into the range of opportunities and jobs within the sector and how they can achieve it  
- Meet inspirational people from the sector at all levels  
- A dynamic, fun, and interactive experience  
The day will include a variety of activity, Inspirational Panel Q&A, Interactive AI Workshop, Well-being workshop, Self-Employment, Presentations and so much more. 
The Event is from 09:30am – 3:30pm so come along!  Lunch will be provided!    
You can sign up to secure a place and confirm attendance by scanning the QR code on the attached poster or clicking the link here : https://forms.office.com/e/qzdTECv2yZ   
As always if you have any queries please reach out – our team on our hand to answer any questions   